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red cross gala

Does anyone know who the dark haired attractive man is that Shania has numerous photos taken with at the Red Cross Gala?



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Some Canadian named  Bob




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Hey gang.... PLEASE help me out here... Twainee(our newest member) asked this question.. I remember reading who it was once but I am drawing a blank.. Do you think I can remember... I am banking that 2nd will come through and put me out of my misery on this one...THANKS LINDA.....Just kidding...Bob



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lol, funny thing is I'm in the same boat. I knew the man's name but right now I can't remember for the life of me! Blank

If I can think of it, I'll speak up...

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Thanks buddy... I figured you would know for sure... Where the heck is Lulu when I need her... I have googled it and everything....ZIPPO... Hard to believe there isn't  anything on it.  I have seen the very high profile picture of this guy in a tuxedo standing with her .I remember he had some gold or silver button( or something) attached to the tuxedo.... LINDA.... Your killing me....Bob



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Hello Bob, I am here but I too can no longer remember this mans name. lol it is frustrating. Maybe Tommy can help?



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 Not to fear..... The Tag team will NOT be beaten.... I will find the answer.... Actually I will put out a challenge..... First member that can find the answer will have MAJOR bragging rights...MUST be able to support the answer somehow..Bob



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Yes, I'm way too curious to know now. We have to get to the bottom of this. He has attended and been photographed with Shania in all three years she appeared at the Swiss Red Cross gala.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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I forget his name, but, I think he's w/the Red Cross.  I could be wrong, though!  wink



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We're all forgetting his name, lol, but I think you may very well be right about his involvement with the Red Cross.

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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I receieved an official response today from Monika Schoenberger of the swiss red cross.. I made her aware that I knew Shania as the honary president was to attend this Sat. fund raiser..I further indicated that as the result of an official announcement from Shania's P.R people that I was aware of her current situation..I then asked we she still be attending....She replied back stating that as of today they are no longer in a position to state they she will attend.
FOLKS...You need to prepare yourself AGAIN...Their honary president and they don't know something 4 days from now...I hope I am wrong but don't like the vibe here..Even more so...If she does not show it says volumes...Devastated might be putting it mildly.

-- Edited by Tommy at 12:47, 2008-05-22



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Bob, this is so sad. It sounds like they do not expect her to attend. It does speak volumes as to the state Shania is in. This is so sad. She needs time for this tragedy to set in and pass. I sort of feel maybe it would not be so bad if she did not attend. Maybe the show should not go on for now. that is just my opinion. She is hurting she needs time



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Bob, if that is indeed how they put it, this does not sound good. How can they not be aware if she is to attend four days from now? With all the rumors flying and the way its being built, there is no way a sweet dear woman like Shania is in any condition to smile for a large group of people. She has to be a wreck right now. I'm fuming!

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Hey Joe...Can tell you are close to losing it... Actually it is you guys NOT me who people are going to listen to here...I am always a bit freaked out so it is easy to go...Oh that is just freaked out Bob...I accept that...BUT...When you guys start freaking out...PEOPLE LISTEN...Actually...You are all starting to scare me abit... Like I said to Tommy,Joe...How he moderates on this one...I have no idea...We all handle things so different... Linda posted..she wants his balls while Lulu is holding it back ...Up to NOW Anyhow 2 people feeling the same feelings but with 2 different was or reacting...Quite cool actually...Bob



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Hey Guys,
i will try to be calm and give you those reasons:
what if the Gala people don't want to give away that kind of info to every guy out there?
what if there were always some changes on their program in the past(people haven't show up)so they just aren't sure.

BUT IF SHANIA WON'T GO THERE,then all the talking about how their split was going on for 2 years is BS and she is devastated indeed.
shania loves charity events,and if she won't go, then i will go to get my passport and i will be in Canada for the Fan Convention in August,i'm telling you i'd be out of my head.

BUT lets all calm down and wait till then.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Well we know Shania is in Toronto today and it's a long way to Switzerland so I have my doubts she'll be attending the Swiss Gala on Saturday. But we'll see!


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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Yup Bob, I'm madder than hell! I'm trying to be civilized as much as possible but I'm ready to sharpen the swords if need be.

I just got done witnessing Insider, and they showed the news about Mutt's cheating and denial. They showed clips of Shania looking stunning of course (particularly the 1998 CMA black white dress, wow) and they hear from an expert say beautiful people are not immune from these happenings.

Why on earth would anyone do Shania wrong?

As a sinle guy I say he was the luckiest man on earth. Foolish people! grr!

And Tina, the convention would be a good enough place as any to round up the troops in august.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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Yeah, i highly doubt she's be attending the gala this year.  The press would surely be all over her.  I doubt she's ready for that yet. 



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She might even want to distance herself from all Swiss-related things right now.



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I too am leaning towards Shania not attending the Swiss Gala. Just picture the media circus should she attend. I highly doubt she is ready for that onslot yet. I am coming to terms with the fact that Mutt did do this. (I checked with a friend who is a lawyer and he said there is no way they would use a name unless they were absolutely positive it is true). It will be interesting now to see if Mutt will seek legal council to stop the press from printing the story about him and his alleged affair. I am so angry with him. What was he thinking? Maybe he is someone who just cannot stay married and committed for long. If the papers are correct than he has been with this women for quite sometime. I have a feeling Shania only recently found out. That is my take on this. Will she ever right another love song as beautiful as YSTO, FAFA, TWIM, OR YGAW. I wish we could do something to help her. Tina the idea of going to the Convention is really appealing to me too as a show of support. I guess now we wait and see how this plays out.



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Hey Lulu...I totally buy into your thinking from a liability issue... By the way Christina..When is the convention???????...Sounds like a cool idea..Such an educational experience to learn so much about her,to really learn so much about what a powerful thing music is to so many people and to really learn how loved she is...I am sure we would all learn something from this experience.Not quite a concert but Lulu is right...It might me insane,fun,and a real learning experience...Bob



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lulu wrote:

Will she ever right another love song as beautiful as YSTO, FAFA, TWIM, OR YGAW. I wish we could do something to help her. Tina the idea of going to the Convention is really appealing to me too as a show of support. I guess now we wait and see how this plays out.

I know the feeling lulu.  I've been having trouble just listening to those beautifully written tunes.  It makes me sad.  The music I hear on those CDs is different with a new ear to me.  It will take a long time to get over.

I think Shania wants to distance herself from Switzerland.  Such a shame a beautiful place has made bad memories for her now.  The Red Cross would be crushed loosing her.

The convention is usually around August 12th.  I've never been, although I've made trips to the Centre and Timmins.  I think it would be a wonderful show of support.  I bet they would break an attendance record this year.


Shania - Modern Country Queen


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same here guys,i can't listen to those songs yet,i haven't played YSTO at all,it would make me feel sick,especially if those rumour about Mutt's affair are true.

what he was thinking,shania is GEORGEOUS,or am i going blind lately??
anyway,he must be in his character to want new stuff every few years,no matter how beautiful and sexy his partner is,some guys are like this.
but why shania's heart should pay for his weekness.
to be honest i don't believe his had an affair,i really want to think that it was a mutual separation, but why shania is in Canada instead of her home in Switzerland,and where is Eja,he is not in school??
all these things are weird and i'm worried about shania's state,i will keep on praying for them.

Hey Joe,we should go to the Convention then,come on lets show our love.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Yup, haven't played YSTO, FTMO, or FAFA. It killed me to hear When You Kiss Me and Thank You Baby. Ugh!

Shania is GORGEOUS not only physically but internally. But you are right, no matter how beaufiul there are guys who will roam. Mutt was married to a model for goodness sake, didn't want kids and then he found Shana who looks like a model. Ridiculous.

I too hope this turns out mutual or as Mutt claims, he grew apart. Shania would be hurt by that but it's better than an affair story. If this is true, I feel terrible. Where is Eja now is a good question, and Shania's state.

I'm up for the convention all the way.

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Hey Joe,i ve been saving money for shania's next tour,so if she won't attend Red Cross gala or if we found out that she is in a really bad state,then there won't be no tour soon,so i could spend that money on the convention trip.
just wait a few days,and i will let you know,i 'm not kidding i will come,one of these days i will start the procedures for my passport.

Greek girl comes to town,BOB watch out....kidding, but hide those cookies,i won't care about my weight i would be on a vacation.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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I think it sounds like an awesome idea Tina!

The welcome mat is out. smile.gif

Come On Over smile.gif

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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PEOPLE magazine have just published a new photo featuring the woman Mutt supposedly cheated with, Marie-Anne Thiébaud, and guess what - the photo is from a few years ago and was taken at the Swiss Red Cross Gala! It seems that Shania and this other woman attended the Gala together in the past. So maybe Shania won't attend the Gala this year due to this association. We'll see.



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Yes Up,i saw the pic too,and i agree it is from this gala,but doesn't this woman on that pic look different than what she looks like on the others?? could this all be a mistake that People mag have done??
btw if the affair is true,and if this is the woman on the gala pic,then i doubt shania will attend,yikes it would be terrible.
if the affair is true, shania should kick her butt pretty bad lol

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Where are the pics of the woman we believe is Marie Anne from the Swiss Gala?

I've only seen the ones from her at LAX airport with the Lange's.

This is freakin' unbelievable!

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Hey Joe,just go to the People's mag web page, and you see this particular pic.
it is one with shania at the gala, and that lady is sitting right next to her.
oh man,i can't believe this could be true,they were friends indeed.
i still doubt that rumor personally.hmm.gif

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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It sure looks like a different woman at LAX airport.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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Here are the other pictures with Marie Ann Thiebaud at the 2006 Swiss gala,

  swissredcross051306-17th.JPG  swissredcross051306-18th.JPG swissredcross051306-19th.JPG

Miscellaneous pics 10


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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Shania fan Rita received an email from the Swiss Red Cross stating Shania will NOT be attending Saturday night's gala. Thanks Rita!


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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One is she blond the next she is brunette. Hard to tell if they are the same by my eyes. This is getting deeper with the stories and no official word yet. What's the deal? We still aren't sure what to make of all this. I surely hope a close friend did not become a homewrecker. Gez, Shania I can't believe this happened to your world.

Yup, I figured with all that is happening Shania would not attend the Gala. There was no way she was going to put on a smile for 100s of people, conduct herself properly and fulfill the Honorary President role especially with that woman being there in the past. Boy are people at the Gala going to be talking. This is sad. Be strong Shania, get well.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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I must admit the pics I saw the other day of the woman at the airport with Mutt looked more like Shania's sister Carrie. Could easily have been Carrie as she does travel with Shania and Mutt. It certainly didn't look like the woman at the Swiss gala's.

If it does turn out that Mutt has been seeing this woman in the latest pics, I doubt Shania will ever want to attend one of those Swiss gala's again. It would be too painful for her. I doubt she would even want to stay in that country ever again.

Fair play to Tommy too for giving the fans what they want and letting them have their say. Nice to see fans over here without the blinkers on. I honestly believe there's guts to this story.



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All excellent points timminslover in you last two paragraphs.

Except, I'd say the blond doesn't quite represent the look of Carrie-Ann either. She definitely travels with them a lot but I would guess no in the LAX photos.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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I was listening to WYKM last night and i almost cried :[
It was sad, Home Ain't Where His Heart Is is exactly what shania is going through, and when she overcomes will be It Only Hurts When I'm Breathing or Nah :]


Sarah :]


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Definitely, Shania needs to begin thinking this:


I thought i might begin
by fillin' you in -
in case you already didn't know
i'll never forget
how you got up and left
in fact it was downright pretty low
there ain't no way i wanna,
you know i ain't gonna
take you back, so don't even try
you can beg, you can plead -
you can sweat, you can bleed
too bad i could care if you cry

That's it! (that's all!)
we had fun (we had a ball!)
it was good while it lasted -
but now i'm past it
(it was sure!) it was sweet!
sure you swept me off my feet
i miss you now and then,
but would i do it all again - Nah -

You won't find me
naked and cold
just a sittin' on a doctor's table
waitin' to be told justa why
i'm no longer able
to feel my heart beatin' -
give me a good reason why!
i kinda went numb
just around about the time
you told me you were moving on,
and you said that you were gonna phone me
it's been so long, and there ain't nothin' wrong with the line

It's too late to regret it,
but you're the one who said it
we're better off being apart
i hate to be a downer,
but don't bother comin' 'round here
'cause i won't have a change of heart

That's it! (that's all!)
we had fun (we had a ball!)
it was good while it lasted -
but now i'm past it
(it was sure!) it was sweet!
sure you swept me off my feet
i miss you now and then,
but would i do it all again - Nah -

( Repeat Chorus)


Well I hope you learned a lesson,
'cause you'll never be messin'
with my head again the way that you did
it was never gonna work,
you were too much of a jerk
i'm finally fed up with it

That's it! (that's all!)
we had fun (we had a ball!)
it was good while it lasted -
but now i'm past it
(it was sure!) it was sweet!
sure you swept me off my feet
i miss you now and then,
but would i do it all again - Nah -

(Repeat Chorus)


Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Well,i might be sallow here but i didn't buy the affair because this woman with all due respect she's not a hotie lol if she was a 25years old tall blond skinny,the kind that Mutt likes,maybe i would think that Mutt did it just once but he is sorry now.
ok looks isn't all that matters but if you're going to ruin your marriage to Shania well at least it got to be worth it,because shania has great personality too.

as for shania's sister Carrie Ann,no she wasn't that woman in the airport,she's prettier and shorter,i guess that woman was some kind of an assistant who knows??
i'm surprised though that they didn't initially accused shania of having an affair,since she is the star in this case,she is younger,gorgeous and she is the one that works outside of the house.

as for Nah! awesome lyrics,and truthful,she does say that she miss him,because usually that's the way it is,but she will be OK.

BUT i'm worried that shania isn't going to attend the gala because their break-up was supposedly going on for 2 years,so i guess she must be devastated indeed.
why she let those people think that she was going if she wasn't??
i'm worried about shania,i really am.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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I really believe the story of the affair is true. I also believe they would never have printed the name of this women were it not true. I also doubt Shania would ever have walked out on Mutt if it were not true. She loved him too much. If she does not show up at the Gala then we know she is truly hurting and not up to dealing with this social event and the press. I still feel so sorry for her. I mean they just finished building their home in New Zealand. Does that sound like a couple who was going to break up? I am starting to believe she did not know. If she did she would have walked out a long time ago. She is strong though and she will get thru it for the sake of her son. Hopefully just hopefully this won't be a messy divorce when the Lange/Twain holdings start to be divided.



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Hey Lulu,
actually i do believe that their divorce won't get messy,especially if Mutt is innocent,Mutt has shown in the past(with his 2nd wife) that he is not care so much about money,and i believe the same about shania,i think they will get through this with dignity.
but i'm worried about Eja's custody,since Mutt is British Shania is a Canadian,well, at least we know that Eja has 2 citizenships.

as fof their N.Zealand home,this  puzzles me,but who knows maybe they had 100% agreed to split and they wish to have a place there to share for their holidays or to work with their music.
they must have agree completely,or else how can they be friends afterwards,but like you said Lulu,how come shania stoped being in love just within a year.
but what if Mutt was the first to fall out of love and shania had have to show understanding,because when someone is out,there is nothing you can do.cry
of course that's only my opinion.

but you are right about the gala,she managed to be in the opening of the track in N.Zealand,but now she won't be in a charity event??
but maybe she is afraid of the press and all of their questions,darn i can't help but feeling that the split it was sudden for her.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Hey Folks...I also recieved an email from Monica...The first message as posted above was iffy as to if she was attending...The one this aft was a straight out...WILL NOT BE ATTENDING... Pretty much says it all....This get more depressing by the day...Bob



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I feel bad for Shania, obviously she is hurting and not up to seeing the press and being all smiles at the Gala. What is interesting about Ann Marie's statement is that she does not deny having been with Mutt. She only denys being the reason for the separation. I don't agree country gal I think our girl is hurting.



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Lulu i 've known you for almost 2 years..yes yes time flies i know,and you were always right,you 're a level headed lady that has never rushed to conclusions,so you must have guessed that you got me worried again about shania.
i can't help but keeping that affair thought on the back of my head.
i hope that you will proved  wrong on this,because that would be terrible if shania haven't seen it coming.
but at least she could take Eja,and she will be the one with the head up,but wouldn't she be forgiving of the affair?? or you think that Mutt decided to trade her for that 'other woman' for good??

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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I don't know, it's getting ugly. I still want more info but lulu may be right.

If it turns out like so, Mutt is a dog and turns out to be one of those guys who likes to trade in his wives like a used car after a decade or so.

it's surprising how much support and sympathy Shania has been getting and that no one has actually accused her of wrong doing or an affair. She's had those tabloid rumors before in the past and we know what was written in Eggar's book but she quickly stomps the fire out and always comes on top with class and dignity. She has the respect and good reputation.

The woman is a gem I'm sure. Shania gave it all, can't see her ever walking out on Mutt she was way too family oriented and goodhearted in that special old fashioned way. There had to be a good reason all this occurred. Keep her in your thoughts guys. We will seize the day once again!

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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I agree completely 2nd ammendment. Shania really loved (and probably still really loves Mutt). That was always clear in most of her interviews. I agree, she did give this marriage everything she had. I can only imagine what she is feeling now. Shania, you are a bright light in our lives. Thank you for your music and concerts. You remain in our thoughts and in our prayers. Take care



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Good points there Lulu and 2nd,
i guess i'm still in denial that's why i don't believe that affair rumor yet,but the truth is i'm worried about shania terribly.
the irony of it all is that Shania still has the same car after a decade.blankstare

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Great post lulu I fully agree.

Tina, yeah, shania is the type she can be rich but she still owns the same car after a decade. Unlike Mutt who keeps his wives for a shorter time. I think the first two marriages lasted less than a decade and with Shania he was able to hold on for 14 years! Wow, what a man (sarcasm). What a sad end to the ultimate love story. Shania don't beat yourself up, you were there, he was not. Provided that's what we know right now. I don't doubt it.

But yes, it's hard to understand at this point, I'm sort of in denial too.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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When does the gala start compared to EST time? Is there a website we can check out for information?



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EST time it is 2:30 and Switzerland is 5 or 6 hours difference. That means it is currently in the evening already. The Gala is about to begin without the star of the show, the best Honorary President they could ever have.

Shania - Modern Country Queen
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