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Shania Will Return To Switzerland

According to a friend of the couple separated, Shania Twain will return to Switzerland (translated from French to English)
June 9, 2008
by Philippe Maspoli

Shania Twain has sold 70 million albums and ranks second Canadian

The star of country music fled with her family in Canada after announcing that she and her husband divorcing. A relative ensures that she wants to keep her ties to Switzerland, between La Tour-de-Peilz and the Moulin de Prez, Prez-to-Noréaz (FR).

They will both stay, "Thomas Bindschedler, promoter vaudois passion for old houses that transforms into places very chic. This close to the singer Shania Twain, soon 43 years, and Robert John "Mutt" Lange, 59 years, producer of AC / DC and Bryan Adams, is confident the two celebrities who have announced their divorce on May 15 last after fifteen years of marriage, retain their three properties to romandes Prez-to-Noréaz (FR), Blonay and La Tour-de-Peilz.

Thomas Bindschedler had discovered for themselves the Moulin de Prez, the confines of the Broye, an area of 15 000 m2 isolated and bucolic which was a minizoo, bought for 690? 000 francs. "I saw Shania recently, it is she who suffers. She resumed her spirits in Ontario, but she will return. On the much discussed at the Moulin de Prez. Robert Lange had purchased, but it was for her and her horses. Her ex-husband remains on the Riviera Vaud. He made trips to Vancouver, where he worked with a group. "According to the promoter Vaud, Robert Lange intends to continue its relationship with the former secretary and head to Chateau de Sully, La Tour-de-Peilz, where singer and the producer lived from 1998 to 2006.

A Prez-to-Noréaz, the changes will take place as planned. Bindschedler Thomas explains: "As soon as the township has given its green light, development work will begin. There will be a stable for horses Shania. It is a place set aside for moments. This will even be open to the public as camps for children with disabilities take place in them. "

Shania Twain custody La Tour-de-Peilz
Shania Twain and her husband still have a beautiful home with swimming pool located on Lake Geneva at the Tour-de-Peilz (Becque), purchased for 16 million francs in September 2007 after a spell at Corseaux, and " a villa in Blonay, acquired a few months ago the price of two million francs. A La Tour-de-Peilz, significant internal changes are coming to an end. "I saw there is little Mr. Lange on the spot; Shania Twain was at the hotel, "says Frederic Grognuz, municipal finance.

How will spread properties in the future? At the Land Registry, the remains of La Tour-de-Peilz is now inscribed with the name Eilleen Lange (Twain), in other words, Shania Twain, while the act of purchase had been spent by her husband. The latter is however still holds in Blonay. It should therefore see the singer in La Tour-de-Peilz, with a place of relaxation on the ranch Prez-to-Noréaz, and the producer in Blonay and New Zealand, owned by 25 000 m2 acquired 2004.

The hypothesis is supported by the rise of enrollment son of the singer and producer, Eja d'Angelo, who will be 7 years on August 12: A private school located in Vevey. The boy followed his mother in Canada, but the link school is not broken during travel, as Bindschedler Thomas says: "When the family went to New Zealand from December to March, it followed its distance learning courses.

A couple with many success

SALES RECORDS With 70 to 80 million albums sold, Shania Twain ranks second Canadian musicians, behind Celine Dion, Bryan Adams before and Alanis Morissette. Come On Over (1997), with 36 to 39 million copies distributed, holds the record sales for an album by a female artist. All categories, he ranks seventh rank. Shania Twain has yet published, including The Woman In Me (1995, 18 million sales) and Up! (2002, 16 million). A new album has been announced for 2008. On the web, fans play a cover bearing the title Shania, the will of a woman, where the singer is contained in the cow-girl sexy.

GROSS FORTUNE According to the 2007 classification of the 300 richest Swiss magazine Bilan, Shania Twain and Robert Lange have 400 to 500 million francs. They are under a "good" fiscal package in the canton of Vaud. PH. Mr.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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If I understand this article correctly, Shania is going to be living within a few miles of Mutt and he bought a place for her and her horses? Is that what you guys understand,too? This story just gets more and more weird. confused

-- Edited by kay1017us at 12:29, 2008-06-09



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Yes,I totally understand what you mean...If I understand.....    Pretty confusing .It also sounds like an awful lot of quick information which makes me question the details of it... To me a is a BIG stretch to believe all this could be decided on in such a short period,especially with Mutt in Russia and Shania in the carribbean....Bob



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Sounds like Shania is going to live in Swizterland. Maybe Shania and Mutt have discussed (via phone) visitation rights for Mutt. It makes sense that she would live in Switzerland for this,. What a sad situation. I still can't believe he thru away a women who loved him deeply as Shania did. If this other women is an opportunist (I have already decided she is unfortuanately as she has gone from being an employee to mistress etc) then she and Mutt deserve eachother.



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So I guess the rumours about her not wanting to have anything more to do with Switzerland were completely false. It's a beautiful place to live, with the lakes and the mountains, so I can understand why she would like to remain there. She still needs to maintain her privacy for her and her son, and re-locating to Canada wouldn't be feasible, especially when she surfaces with new music, as she's going to draw a lot of media attention. As she's said numerous times, people are more discreet in Switzerland and are not mob-like. Staying in Switzerland as well would make it easier for Mutt to see Eja. She'll be able to attend future Swiss Gala events.

-- Edited by twain2country at 15:19, 2008-06-09



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I will go easy on my position with respect to your thoughts...I am kind of riding the fence...On one hand,I agree...The flip side is there are all kinds of wonderful people in this world..Shania does not have some exclusive lock on it. Why is it that they are able to stay and live a normal life,with a great family without going into hermit style hiding.. I would suggest she is taking it way too far...No Martina McBride is not Shania but talk about a lady that lives for her kids...My strong bet...Her kids at 25 will be MUCH happier and better adjusted to life than Eja..Bob



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Martina's career is much smaller than Shanias. I don't think that is a bad thing. Martina as well has only toured during summer as "that is when the kids are out of school". I think Shania deciding to live in Swizterland is best for Eja. He is grounded in school there and has his little friends and that is life as he knew it. Mutt would insist on visiting rights so where else could she really have lived. And then of course there is the privacy that exists in Switzerland which I think is a good thing for Eja. Maybe Shania will do like Faith and take the Eja on tour with her. I don't know how Eja will turn out but I think both his parents are making decisions that are good for him at present.



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Maybe you are right...Maybe I am still being effected by the Mutt/hermit thing..Somehow a part of me still wonders if Shania has bought into it hook,line and sinker...If so...I feel REALLY sorry for them both...If she can show me that she can put a somewhat normal balance to it all,then I will agree with you totally...Having said that I am not nearly as confident on this as what I feel you are...Again...Time will tell...Bob


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I think there's a lot more going on here than we know.

If he did cheat on her, you'd think the last place she'd want to be is near the "scene of the crime" and you'd think that she'd want some distance between them.

Eja could go to a private school anywhere (lot of kids with celebrity parents go to private schools in the US and probably in Canada, too).



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The part I find sickening is Mutt is going buy back Chateau de Sully in La Tour-de-Peilz and live there with "HER". confused wtf.gif


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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hmm.gif Exactly Tommy,
that's plain disgusting,and this Marie lady is just a dirty woman, Yikes.blankstare.gif
there is no dignity in this world anymore??

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.

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Is Shania doing what she feels is best for her son, giving up on what is best for herself?? She has to take care of herself to be able to take care of Eja. Where is her support, her friends, her family in Switzerland? Maybe she is still hopeful the rat will return to her. I hope she never has anything to do with the rat again. She is probably so confused, she dosen't know what she's doing.



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Linda i agree,
probably shania is frustrated by the whole situation,and it would be really awful if she had to live in Switzerland,where she doesn't have anyone close to her.
especially if you think that she lost her husband to a Swiss woman,and she has so many memories from that place.

shame both on Mutt and Marie,how cruel they really are.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Thats is what happens when you marry a twice divorced man after 6 months and move half way across the world and have a child...As I said... She has already made mistakes that have turned,what should have been a fairy tale life into a nightmare...Hope she has learned from them but not sure she has...She is still trying to find herself..this time on a beach.   Bob



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We still don't know the accuracy of this source so it's best not to read too much into it. I don't think Shania will ever forgive Mutt for what he's done and would consider taking him back if things don't work out for him, just to stay together for the sake of their son. Mutt may have been faithful to Shania up until recently or the last few years, but no-one can verify how long his affair went on, not even the media has the answer to that. Shania knew the risks when she married him and the age gap factor has always been an issue. They probably grew apart, because they wanted different things out of life and were not coming from the same head space anymore. It appears Marie-Ann helped to cause a bigger wedge between them if cracks in their marriage had already surfaced before she and Mutt got romantically involved.



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That is why she claims she didn't cause it and from your comments it would suggest that you agree...she didn't...Bob



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I think Mutt would insist on visiting rights. He would insist on Shania living in Switzerland so he could have "reasonable Access". I hope Shania's sister can come and stay with her for awhile. I can't see Shania living anywhere else in order to give Mutt reasonable access. It sounds like dialogue between Mutt and Shania has been going on behind the scenes. (hence the discussion on what to do with their properties). I don't know how well Shania will cope with Mutt and Marie-Ann being together. I really hope that Shania does not allow this divorce to define who she is. I can only imagine how she must be feeling being betrayed by both of them. I picture Shania confiding in Marie-Ann about her difficulties with Mutt and Marie-Ann using this to her advantage. How sick is that? Like I said earlier, I really hope her sister can come and live with her for awhile. Hopefully Shania has some other friends in Switzerland that she can count on. Lets all hope for the best. In the end Mutt being such a heel, Shania is better off with out him. What a jerk.



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Bob wrote:

That is why she claims she didn't cause it and from your comments it would suggest that you agree...she didn't...Bob

I'm not agreeing with her at all, she still seduced a married man at the end of the day, which is morally wrong, and therefore should accept the blame for her actions. We don't know for sure if Shania and Mutt were having problems before anything romantic developed between him and Marie-Anne, but if they were, I was simply suggesting that could have drove him to have an affair but  in any case, he's just as guilty for taking advantage of the situation.

-- Edited by twain2country at 17:12, 2008-06-10



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lulu wrote:

I really hope that Shania does not allow this divorce to define who she is. I can only imagine how she must be feeling being betrayed by both of them.

As well as the humiliation and pain Shania must be feeling right now, imagine how uncomfortable it's gonna be for Eja to see his daddy with another woman but also for the little girl of the couple to see her mummy with his father.



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you are both right Bob and Amanda,
and i especially agree with Amanda that shania probably wouldn't take Mutt back,but then again maybe he doesn't want a forgiveness,maybe the divorce was HIS decision.
Hey Bob,what could she do,she felt hard for him,i'd do the same,it's great to be in love,at least she was the one whose love was true.
and i don't think she will have any regrets,she gave it all.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Mutt apparently told People magazine that they'll always remain friends, can't see that happening when she was betrayed by him. If they had parted for reasons other than infidelity, then things would be different. When she's around Eja, she'll have to try and not show any tension towards his dad as kids can be sensitive.

-- Edited by twain2country at 18:02, 2008-06-10



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She won't have any regrets?????.....Hhmmm


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Eja needs to have his father in his life.

With that said, and unfortunetly not able to read all your comments, Mutt is a slug!

Having been married before (with NO kids involved) I know that a child needs both parents to grow up. She will be handling that situation to the best of her ability.

The whole thing is sad. I just don't understand the reasoning Mutt might have had for this. Worst case scenario would be to stay together for Eja. Providing there is nothing strange going on here. If they just have fallen out of love than the child should not suffer for it. Abuse and the like are not part of "my" equation.

My wife, my 13 year old daughter and I are going through tough financial times right now, but there is no way things will tear us apart. The Lange's have all the $$$$ they'll ever need but aparently no more love. But they have Eja. Love him. Care for him. Do what it takes for his well being. My eyes are getting teared up thinking of what he may be cheated out of! I hope I'm wrong.

Chris Farley


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good post by everyone here,
Chris i wish the best to you and your family and i hope that your problems will be over pretty soon,you can make it,my parents did and it was a health problem in our way too,so you can do it Chris,i wish you

Bob, by saying no regrets i meant about her part in their relationship,she didn't hold anything back, so i hope that she won't be thinking that there was anything more for her to do,as for regrets about the whole marriage i don't think she have those either,because she must have had some good years and she has a son which is the most importand thing in her life.
it wouldn't be wise to think what it could have happened IF she never got married to Mutt.
she have to look to the future and start get a hold of herself,i hope that she wil feel better soon.

Lulu I agree.wink

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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I too agree good posts by all. Chris I too hope your difficulties are resolved soon. As for Shania, I too hope she has no regrets as some of the years must have been good and she has a child...the most important thing. I don't blame her for being angry (she will have to work thru her anger as part of the grieving steps to healing) but I think she will pull thru it ok. She married someone who is not good marriage material...its too bad for Mutt as he now has missed out on a women who gave him all. As for Marie-Ann, I doubt Shania will feel like resuming any sort of relationship with her. She may have too though if Mutt keeps her as a part of his life. After all, this may very well be Eja's step mom. What a mess.



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Oh Lulu i'm a naive parson after all,
i haven't thought about shania's relationship with that Marie lady,Yikes,a step mother to Eja that's horrible.
i wonder if this Marie would ever be able to look shania straight in the eye,if i was her i wouldn't dare being anywhere around shania i'd be suffering by guilts,but i guess she's just a cruel person.
i don't know how shania would manage to stay calm seing that woman again,i'd probably slap her in the face, i ain't no lady.
that is a huge betrayal,and now Mutt is heading to Vancouver to produre Nickelback?? hey Lulu you guys should all spit him in the face ha ha
boy, Mutt and Marie don't have a good reputation in Canada eh??
i wonder when their passion began?? Marie went to work for them around 2000 that's when she got married, so if she was newly-wed she must have been still in love with her hubby ,right?? but then she met Mutt,i guess she didn't fall for him rightaway but now she took the chance to be a millionaire and threw the love with her bubby out of the window,Shame.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Hi country gal: I too have thought this affair has been going on for awhile. Shania was away a lot touring and doing promotions. I don't understand how this Marie could look Shania in the eye as well. I see her as an opportunist who wormed her way into Shania's and Mutt's life. And Mutt, being the womenizer that he is fell for it. What a fool maybe these 2 characters deserve each other. Marie has now gone from employee of the Chateau to possibly owning the chateau. Sick


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Sunday is father's day. I wonder if he ever considered the pain he is causing. He may dump Marie, she may be a fool, another piece in the games he plays.



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Right Linda,
Mutt will eventually dump Marie,i have come to the conclusion that there really isn't a woman in this world that could ever be enough for Mutt.
shania was the only who "kept"him for so long for the first time in his life,and they had a child too,but he is someone who can't never be satisfied i guess,and that's sad for him too.

i just hope Shania will find happiness again with some other man,and never EVER have to be alone again.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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lulu wrote:

Hi country gal: I too have thought this affair has been going on for awhile. Shania was away a lot touring and doing promotions. I don't understand how this Marie could look Shania in the eye as well. I see her as an opportunist who wormed her way into Shania's and Mutt's life. And Mutt, being the womenizer that he is fell for it. What a fool maybe these 2 characters deserve each other. Marie has now gone from employee of the Chateau to possibly owning the chateau. Sick

Personally, I think the affair may have occurred within the past six months as everything seemed fine when she did the Redbook interview. During 2006-present Shania has spent time away from the public eye and has done very few public appearances and even the promo for Starlight was limited, but this doesn't necessarily indicate their marriage was on the rocks then. She just needed to go back to a normal life for a while and get creatively re-charged, which is where the song-writing and soul-searching part came into play.

I'm not sure how Mutt and Marie-Anne managed to sneak around behind her back without Shania noticing what was going on, Shania has been home a lot these last few years, and hasn't toured since 2004. There's a huge age difference between Mutt and Marie-Ann (she's 37, he's 59) so it's hard to say how long it will last. I wonder if Marie-Ann is a vegetarian and practices San Mat? Who knows if she's genuinely in love with him or just after his money. 

-- Edited by twain2country at 13:29, 2008-06-12



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I hope Shania will find happiness with another man too. I hope she will be careful who she chooses too. This marriage breakdown should never have happened. Shania is old fashioned and when she married it was for life. This is sad it really is. Mutt is such a jerk.


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Thank you for your thoughts!!

Chris Farley

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Thanks Country Gal.

Chris Farley


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lulu wrote:

I hope Shania will find happiness with another man too. I hope she will be careful who she chooses too. This marriage breakdown should never have happened. Shania is old fashioned and when she married it was for life. This is sad it really is. Mutt is such a jerk.

I also hope she finds happiness with a future spouse, but it could be a while before she considers dating again. The worrything thing is when she does start courting, the media will probably try and snap every man she comes into contact with and say that she's dating them. If the person she chooses to be with is someone who works in the industry or a famous face, the chances of  a relationship surviving might be ruined by lack of privacy. If she chooses to be with someone not in the industry or anything, the person has to be really understanding and supportive of her career, but most importantly not someone who will sleep with her and then run to the tabloids to sell a story.



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Twain2country, you raise some very good points. Shania probably will not have the privacy she needs to date



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some famous people would only date other famous because of the understanding and because there's always the danger of some scum to try to sell them out,Yikes.
maybe she could date a millionaire that has a factory of something.

that's why i wouldn't like to be a famous person,shania don't like the spotlight either,and one of the first thoughts i had after i heard the news it was about her future love-life,and how the tabloids are going to eat her alive,oh boy,this is really awful.
i've always thought that she was lucky to have a husband even before she made it Big,because they wouldn't link her with other guys but they did, and now that she's going to be single again they are going to link her with dozens of guys,Yikes.

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Bob wrote:

Thats is what happens when you marry a twice divorced man after 6 months and move half way across the world and have a child...As I said... She has already made mistakes that have turned,what should have been a fairy tale life into a nightmare...Hope she has learned from them but not sure she has...She is still trying to find herself..this time on a beach. Bob

As it turns out, sad but true.  Naive blinded by a love she thought she could handle and keep.  I've been agreeing with your notes Bob.

I can't believe Shania would stay in Switzerland but I have to bet it is for Eja's sake.  I mean who does she know there besides a worthless former husband and his mistress?  She will be so alone and isolated.  I hope she hasn't become a hermit.  She can seek privacy in other places.  She never seeked attention like many other A list stars so she would be fine.  Garth Brooks is as big as it gets in country music and he can live in the middle of Oklahoma with no worries.  Tim and Faith seem to be a normal family doing normal things without living in a hiding spot in Switzerland.  I just don't know what to make of this whole thing...

Maybe it might be temporary until she gets Eja fully.  A boy needs his dad but this is such an ugly situation.  Yes Bob, a fairy tale turned into a nightmare.


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Country gal wrote:

some famous people would only date other famous because of the understanding and because there's always the danger of some scum to try to sell them out,Yikes.
maybe she could date a millionaire that has a factory of something.

that's why i wouldn't like to be a famous person,shania don't like the spotlight either,and one of the first thoughts i had after i heard the news it was about her future love-life,and how the tabloids are going to eat her alive,oh boy,this is really awful.
i've always thought that she was lucky to have a husband even before she made it Big,because they wouldn't link her with other guys but they did, and now that she's going to be single again they are going to link her with dozens of guys,Yikes.

Sad but true.  That's what has burned me the most.  She was suppose to be never in this situation.  She was suppose to be settled, content, no worries.  And it was nice she was married before famous, what a spectacle it could have been.   Now she has a whole new game and it isn't easy.  She should just forget about guys awhile.  Maybe become a nun, lol.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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Are Eja and Marie's child in the same school?? I don't know how she can remain there and stay sane. I hope that her family take turns going there for her. I remember in one interview she was asked where she saw her self when she was 50 and she said she didn't know but maybe high in the woods in Canada. I think that is really what she considers her home.



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I always had this thought a long while she would come back full circle. Northern bush indeed, we'll have to wait and see...

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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Hello Tommy

I have been in and out of your site for some time now and must congratulate you on your excellent work, particularly with regard to keeping the Shania news section right up to date.

I don't normally get involved in chat rooms, but in this case - in the interests of promoting some balance in the opinions being expressed - I thought I would add my tuppence worth.

Firstly, no-one devotes his life to a philosophy like Sant Mat for nearly forty years and then has a passionate affair with one of his wife's close friends.  If you doubt this, then you know nothing of Sant Mat.  I think you may have misread the intention behind the not perfect translation of the French article to which you refer here.  Mutt has no intention of repurchasing the Chateau de Sully - the article tells you that he could be planning to move into the far less grand villa at Blonay originally bought to house visiting family and friends, and that he may possibly also retain Motatapu Station in the Wanaka area of Central Otago, NZ.  Everything else goes to Shania (including the La Tour de Peilz property reportedly being currently remodelled and refurbished by Marie-Anne Thiebaud ... really??)  The statement in question " Robert Lange intends to continue its relationship with the former secretary and head to Chateau de Sully, La Tour-de-Peilz" is referring to the fact that Marie Ann Thiebaud was the former secretary and former head (manager) of the Chateau de Sully estate.  Read it again, and remember it is written in not very good foreign English.  "Continuing his relationship" can mean anything from a business relationship to a friendly one.  It does not necessarily mean an adulterous one.

Secondly, I know of no relationship - be it friendship, marriage, or that between parent and child, where problems can justifiably be blamed on solely one party, and I am sure that the reason for Shania's current fragility and introspection is that she is facing, head-on, her own possible contribution to her present predicament.  Apart from being beautiful, talented, friendly, loyal and humble, she is also driven, strong-willed and hot-headed, and could well have over-reacted to what she has been told.  She would not be the first wife to fall victim to a well-meaning "friend" with only half the story and a possible hidden agenda. Hasn't it struck you as odd that great friends of both Mutt and Shania have been totally taken aback by this split; that someone like Bryan Adams (who was party to the initial attraction between Mutt and Shania, who sang at their wedding, and who has been working with Mutt until recently) was surprised?

I wouldn't give too much credence to the National Enquirer articles ... and even People magazine is reporting on information provided by so-called "reliable sources".  I have also noticed that photographs that have appeared in some magazine articles of Lange residences bear no resemblance to either their present home on the Vaud riveira or their newly constructed mansion on Motatapu Station (where I was only a couple of months ago). The only truly reliable sources of information in this instance are the Langes themselves, and neither of them has said one derogatory or incriminating word about the other.
Personally, I do not believe this relationship is over.  I think both Mutt and Shania have some soul searching to do and maybe some further 'evolving' to undergo.  They are very different from each other but they have some deep and abiding things in common - musical artistry, Sant Mat, Eja and nearly fourteen years of a shared existence.  Neither is young and foolish; irresponsible; ill-disciplined; or mean natured.  In fact, each has stood out as being in a class of his/her own; as having conquered the odds without losing heart or the common touch.  Each has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people. They are both great people ... let us not belittle either of them by judging them on the scant evidence available. 

Greetings and goodnight from a chilly South Africa.



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I like what you have to say Observer and I would like to believe that Shania and Mutt are not over but sadly I do not agree with you. I would like to say that I know someone who use to work for People magazine. He told me there is no way that People magazine would proceed with a story like this if they were not 100% certain of their facts. As well, Mutt himself spoke out and called the end of this relationship citing "they had drifted apart". As for Mutt practicing Sant Mat, well its not the first time someone fell out of practice of their religion. No, much as I would like to believe it is not over sadly I am convinced that it is. I don't think anyone meant to belittle anyone here. Although there may not have been some nice comments about Mutt you have to understand it was a reaction to his departure from Shania. As for the quiet period now with both of them out of the news. Well thats how they have always been private and no doubt they will work out the separation of assets and custody of Eja quietly and behind the scenes so to speak.



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Yes, a lot of this stuff is a shock and hard to comprehend. I think none of us in a million years expected all this. So strange, so sad.

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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I agree with a lot of what you've said. From the Robin Eggar book about Shania, I understood that Mutt doesn't back out of things. This guy hasn't ate a steak or drank for over 30 years! I don't think he'd do something like cheat on his wife.

Hopefully, they'll work things out. If they do work things out or if they don't work things out, I hope things that should stay private are private.



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Welcome Rose...In short....No doubt you have read shania's personal message to her fans...If so, I don't see how your thoughts match her own words..To me it was pretty obvious as to what has happened and how she is being effected by it. Your well worded post to me don't match up with what she has said herself...Again...Welcome aboard...Bob



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Welcome aboard Observer! handshake.gif I enjoyed reading your insightful post. You make some great points! The only thing I disagree on is the part about the relationship not being over. Being a strong-willed woman, I really don't think Shania wants anything to do with Mutt in the future. Either professionally or personally, except still allowing him to be Eja's dad and a part of his life.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets

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Hello! I am a new member. I just wanted to say hello and voice my opinion on this matter. I to believe that this relationship is over! Most definitely professionally. However I think this is a great opportunity for us to see what she can come up with on her own, and how she chooses to showcase it!


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Welcome here. You're spot on my friend. Shania ain't going to forgive this scumbag for this. There's better producers for today than Mutt's dated style. Rick Rubin would bring out a more earthy and stripped down style to her music. If she wanted to go the pop route she could try the very cool Timbaland or The Neptunes. She could even try producing herself. At least she's not tied to Mutt's weird lifestyle and his controlling ways anymore. She can hold her head high while Mutt  hides away in one of his hideouts with his bit on the side. She don't need another man in her life at the moment as she has her young son to raise.

-- Edited by timminslover at 19:14, 2008-06-21



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hsjfaar wrote:

Hello! I am a new member. I just wanted to say hello and voice my opinion on this matter. I to believe that this relationship is over! Most definitely professionally. However I think this is a great opportunity for us to see what she can come up with on her own, and how she chooses to showcase it!

Welcome aboard hsjfaar! handshake.gif


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets


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I, personally, applaud Shania for asserting herself professionally, she's a smart woman. She reportedly wanted to be more active with her career, but it's now clear Mutt was holding her back. The music she's about to release could arguably be her best work yet.

-- Edited by twain2country at 04:24, 2008-06-22

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