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Kevy's message to fellow fans!!!

I realize that my opinions are getting on some peoples nerves. Even though I agree with everything I say and I truly am honest in how I see it, I will do my best not to keep repeating the same stuff over and over again. I think most fans know how I feel and they may feel it themselves but they feel a need to be loyal to Shania and not say anything against her.
This is a Shania site so I understand that and I understand that I would get annoyed if somebody kept repeating the same thing over and over again even though there may be some truth to it.
So I will do my best to tone down my negative comments as much as I can.
The reason I feel I could say these things about how I see Shania now is because it is amongst fellow Shania fans.I would never make my true thoughts to non Shania fans. I defend Shania against anyone who says anything against her music or her,
But when I am with Shania fans then I just tell it as I see it and I hope some of you understand that I still think Shania is the best.
So don't take anything personally if I slip up and I become negative again, it is just me as a Shania fan letting out how I feel.
but out of respect to this site I will tone down my attitude and try and think of more positive things to post.
It is really hard these last few years to think of anything positive but when I post I will do my best.


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Hey Walter...See the corner...Bobby boy



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Kevy you know how i feel about you by now,
i think you do have a better beahavior lately,as for the bashers i've seen you fight those passionatelly and i kinda felt bad for you for having no one there to support you,some people were calling you awful stuff.
i'm talking about CMT,i know that you always talk like that among fellow fans and never among non-fans,but sometimes you over reacting.

i will never forget that day at CMT when i was visiting a general board and those guys were so rough on shania and you were trying to defend her and they were calling you some horrible stuff,i can't believe how their message were allowed there,i left because i was disgustedfurious

i prefer you around the web over the sybil kindssmile

Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.


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Thank goodness Kevy, put it to rest. You were getting to the point where people on CWO such as threadsense were noticing your dislike for Shania. You were sort of coming out of the open with it to everyone.

But don't be so sure of yourself on opinion...

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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2ndAmendment wrote:

Thank goodness Kevy, put it to rest. You were getting to the point where people on CWO such as threadsense were noticing your dislike for Shania. You were sort of coming out of the open with it to everyone.

But don't be so sure of yourself on opinion...

This thread was not meant for you to come here and start picking a fight with me. It was meant to take the higher road but instead you come  here trying to lecture me and tell me   don't be sure of my opinion.
Well, I am quite sure of my opinion but I am not going to shove it down anyones throat anymore and I will take the  higher road. I will let you find out the truth on your own in time.
So don't start this up again just like  you did in Bobby's corner when I was just starting to take the higher road.
Let it go now and move on, thats what this thread was about.



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Country gal wrote:

Kevy you know how i feel about you by now,
i think you do have a better beahavior lately,as for the bashers i've seen you fight those passionatelly and i kinda felt bad for you for having no one there to support you,some people were calling you awful stuff.
i'm talking about CMT,i know that you always talk like that among fellow fans and never among non-fans,but sometimes you over reacting.

i will never forget that day at CMT when i was visiting a general board and those guys were so rough on shania and you were trying to defend her and they were calling you some horrible stuff,i can't believe how their message were allowed there,i left because i was disgustedfurious

i prefer you around the web over the sybil kindssmile

Thanks for the post. At least you and bobby let me say my peace and respect my opinion and can see both sides.You may not agree with me sometime but at least you don't take what I say personally and can see both sides.
Some Shania fans are so over zealous and attack me and call me names for the slightest things, they feel like they have to protect Shania.
The point of this thread was for me to say even though I still have the same opinion I will not focus on being so negative anymore and let up even though I have mixed feelings about Shania right now and how she has treated her fans the last 5 years.
So lets move  on and be more positive.



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Well we'll see put it where your mouth is Kevin. You taking the higher road will be indeed a new avenue for you.

What I said was the TRUTH, it's not for "picking a fight."

Shania - Modern Country Queen


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2ndAmendment wrote:

Well we'll see put it where your mouth is Kevin. You taking the higher road will be indeed a new avenue for you.

What I said was the TRUTH, it's not for "picking a fight."

Nothing you said was the truth. You even have to take another shot at me in your last comment. What is your problem? I advise you to don't post in this thread again.
I have lost total respect for you over the last few months. You act as if Shania is part of your family and you pretend you know her.
Nothing you say about me is the truth.
I started this thread to take the higher road and here you come to lecture me and pick a fight.
You seriously need to get away from your total obsession with Shania's personal life and family and worry more about your family.
Don't even bother posting in this thread again and I advise you to not respond to any more of posts anymore.
It is too bad that when I start a thread to call for peace and take the higher road somebody like you has to come in and totally ruin this well meaning thread.
Don't even bother posting again here with your dribble and lecture and leave this thread alone.



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I don't even know whwe you get this stuff from, you're in dreamland.

Lose respect from you? *spat*

Shania - Modern Country Queen

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Hi Kev smile

Just logged on, looked around the site but didn't really have anything to add to any of the threads today, due to lack of latest Shania news probably.

There's not much point in reiterating what everyone has said on each of the threads when I have already made my point.
Some posters do this I know [make the same point over and over on the same topic]. Each to there own though I guess.
It's no big deal really.

I decided to come in here instead today
smile and leave you a message.

I think you probably know by now how much I appreiciate you around here.
I love reading your posts. You always make valid and intereasting points.
You are articulate, persuasive and humorous! biggrin and are not afaid to go against the grain to state what you think.

Please don't change the way you are. Some of us [well me anyway!] look forward to hearing what you think about Shania and her ongoing saga!

I've already told you I find myself to be mostly in agreement with your views. So this may explain my affinity to you.

Anyway I hope to keep speaking with you. take care and have fun smile

p.s. have you played any hockey lately.



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ShaniaRocks! wrote:

Hi Kev smile

Just logged on, looked around the site but didn't really have anything to add to any of the threads today, due to lack of latest Shania news probably.

There's not much point in reiterating what everyone has said on each of the threads when I have already made my point.
Some posters do this I know [make the same point over and over on the same topic]. Each to there own though I guess.
It's no big deal really.

I decided to come in here instead today
smile and leave you a message.

I think you probably know by now how much I appreiciate you around here.
I love reading your posts. You always make valid and intereasting points.
You are articulate, persuasive and humorous! biggrin and are not afaid to go against the grain to state what you think.

Please don't change the way you are. Some of us [well me anyway!] look forward to hearing what you think about Shania and her ongoing saga!

I've already told you I find myself to be mostly in agreement with your views. So this may explain my affinity to you.

Anyway I hope to keep speaking with you. take care and have fun smile

p.s. have you played any hockey lately.

I pretty sure  you are the only one on this board who likes to hear my opinion lol!!!
I just say what I believe and don't follow the Shania clique.
If you go to the shaniaforums you will see what a joke some sites are. You can't even give your opinion.
At least this site I can state my opinion nomatter how annoying it gets to some.
I have been hard on Shania the last couple of years and rightfuflly so, she has showed to effort to connect with the fans and has really treated her fans quite bad over the  years.
Some fans  don't see it that way and will defend her every move, that is okay too.
I will always be a true fan who doesn't kiss her butt just because she is Shania. I tell it like it is and sometimes that ticks off some fans.Basically the way some fans react is an enabler to Shania. She will continue to treat he fans this way if they continue to let her.Sometimes you have to stand up and say the truth.
She came back at the CMA again with no new music and again taking the attention away from her peers out there performing and making music.
I personally am giving Shania the benifit of the doubt now and I will see if she makes good on her claim that we will be seeing alot of her now and that she is making music now.
I do find it disturbing that she or her label don't have any respect for the fans that they can't at least give the fans some news in over 5 years. And even when she appeared at the CMA why not  reassure your fans who have waited so long that for sure  you will have an album out very soon.
There are still lots of questions unanswered and the coming months will tell us alot on whether Shania has pulled the wool over he fans eyes again.
I will keep silent on the subject for a few months and see what news we hear.
I want so much for Shania to turn over a new leaf and show she cares about music or her fans but the jury is still out and one token appearance at the CMA doesn't changed anything.
FAns want to see action not talk. When there is  100% proof of Shania is a studio then we will talk.
I don't want to hear the same garbage for 5 years we have been  hearing of her writing songs. That is just another way of saying get lost to the fans and don't bother me. We all know that is just a line the publicist uses to get people off their back that Shania is not doing anything.Dolly writes 40 songs a month and Shania can't come up with 14 good songs in several years.
But like I said I don't want to focus on the negative now. Maybe she is serious this time and good news it to follow in the next few months.


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You say you,  'say it like you see it' 
I see it like you see it, so I say it like you see it!!

When Shania says we will be seeing more of her soon, to me she is teasing, keeping us holding on.

I don't understand all the cloak and secrecy.
Why can't she just tell us what her plans are??

We her fans are the ones who will determine if she is too be a big success in this new period of her career. So I don't think we are asking to much for a little feedback.

If we hear some good definite news soon I might have to think about changing MY NAME to Shaniashocks! wink


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I agree with you Kevy and Katie,I do not know what to think any more about Shania coming back.
I how are you feeling Katie, I hope you are doing fine.


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Hi Grape Grower

Yes I am feeling a lot better now, thank you for your advice the other day. It also helped that I was spoiled and fussed over for a few days smile

I'm sure that you, me and Kevy are not the only ones who feel this way about Shania.
I know we are all loyal fans and we are eagerly awaiting her return. We just want some news as too what  we should expect and when.

I think it is mostly that if we know one way or the other we can feel more at ease. It is fear of anticipation and hope turning into dissappointment.



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ShaniaRocks! wrote:

Hi Grape Grower

Yes I am feeling a lot better now, thank you for your advice the other day. It also helped that I was spoiled and fussed over for a few days smile

I'm sure that you, me and Kevy are not the only ones who feel this way about Shania.
I know we are all loyal fans and we are eagerly awaiting her return. We just want some news as too what  we should expect and when.

I think it is mostly that if we know one way or the other we can feel more at ease. It is fear of anticipation and hope turning into dissappointment.

Exactly, even a simple word or reassurance by Shania or her label would be good.
But the fans aren't even worth that to Shania it seems.
I am trying to be postive and wait and see what we hear the next couple of months.


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Great minds think alike eh!


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Wow Kev I think I must have had a premonition earlier in the week.
Regarding wanting to hear some news.!!

Not liking this story though. But IT IS creating a buzz!!!!!

Guess I will seriously have to think about that name change now eh!

{ShaniaShocks!} It really does fit right now!

She told us we would be seeing more of her. She knows she is a hot topic right now!
So is she playing games, causing a stir and creating speculation ready for her big comeback!

Let's hope so!!

-- Edited by ShaniaRocks! at 20:51, 2008-12-05


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Hi Kev

I've just posted you a message in Bob's corner but I wanted to come in here too where it isn't as active.

Even if others may not care to admit it, I am convinced some feel the same as me...
This place just is not the same without you.
I know you feel differently. You think it does not matter if you post or not,,
You are WRONG! biggrin

So please hurry up and come back
I am missing you so much smile



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


ShaniaRocks! wrote:

Hi Grape Grower

Yes I am feeling a lot better now, thank you for your advice the other day. It also helped that I was spoiled and fussed over for a few days smile

I'm sure that you, me and Kevy are not the only ones who feel this way about Shania.
I know we are all loyal fans and we are eagerly awaiting her return. We just want some news as too what  we should expect and when.

I think it is mostly that if we know one way or the other we can feel more at ease. It is fear of anticipation and hope turning into dissappointment.

Exactly, even a simple word or reassurance by Shania or her label would be good.
But the fans aren't even worth that to Shania it seems.
I am trying to be postive and wait and see what we hear the next couple of months.


I am waiting to see your positive side.





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Still waiting.


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Kevy's positive attributes---
he is--
Awesome, wonderful, exceptional, amazing, fantastic, brilliant, great, charismatic, passionate, intelligent, strong-minded, articulate, approachable, witty, friendly,


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'The Great One'

He is no1 best poster for a reason! smile


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Get on the plane!!! winkbiggrin



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KatieIsKevysNo1Fan wrote:

Kevy's positive attributes---
he is--
Awesome, wonderful, exceptional, amazing, fantastic, brilliant, great, charismatic, passionate, intelligent, strong-minded, articulate, approachable, witty, friendly,

Does he have his GED or whatever they call it there?



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What is GED?? confuse



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??????!!!!! Don't know how to take this. Is it a serious question or a dig at him?? confuse

Our Education system simply and very briefly works something like this-
Junior/Primary school--4/5yrs--11years old--SATS tests
Senior/high schol--!!yrs--16years old--GCSE/O Level exams
option of two more years 6 form--16yrs--18years old--A level exams
college--choice of both academic/vocational qualifications
University-----!! biggrin
If It is a 'put down' he can fight his own battles!disbelief My own view of him is well documented wink Indubitably.

-- Edited by KatieIsKevysNo1Fan at 08:51, 2009-02-06


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Vaya con Dios!smile



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KatieIsKevysNo1Fan wrote:

??????!!!!! Don't know how to take this. Is it a serious question or a dig at him?? confuse

Our Education system simply and very briefly works something like this-
Junior/Primary school--4/5yrs--11years old--SATS tests
Senior/high schol--!!yrs--16years old--GCSE/O Level exams
option of two more years 6 form--16yrs--18years old--A level exams
college--choice of both academic/vocational qualifications
University-----!! biggrin
If It is a 'put down' he can fight his own battles!disbelief My own view of him is well documented wink Indubitably.

-- Edited by KatieIsKevysNo1Fan at 08:51, 2009-02-06

Purplepeople is a junior high drop out so he might feel out of place when he communicates with more educated people.
So forgive the poor soul, he knows  not what he speaks.



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Your semi-literate posts tell me your formal education was lacking. That's why the question if you had ever bothered to get a GED. I guess that is still on your "To Do" list, eh?



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PurplePeopleEater wrote:

Your semi-literate posts tell me your formal education was lacking. That's why the question if you had ever bothered to get a GED. I guess that is still on your "To Do" list, eh?

Judging by your posts one could argue you haven't finsished pre school yet.
And at  your advanced age it is way too late to go back to shcool.
Instead you make a fool of yourself all over the internet.
While your online maybe get some formal education and finished grade school.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


PurplePeopleEater wrote:

Your semi-literate posts tell me your formal education was lacking. That's why the question if you had ever bothered to get a GED. I guess that is still on your "To Do" list, eh?

Judging by your posts one could argue you haven't finsished pre school yet.
And at  your advanced age it is way too late to go back to shcool.
Instead you make a fool of yourself all over the internet.
While your online maybe get some formal education and finished grade school.


You should't keep talking to yourself.

So now you are back to insulting older folks again?

You have the weirdest vocabulary.  I guess you read lots of comic books and watch lots of cartoons on TV still, eh? 

I guess you never learned how to type and spell and use proper grammar.  That is unfortunate.




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Good comeback lol!!!
Time for a good old nap!!



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Rest those little used brain cells mi amigo.



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I and many other members are tired of every thread turning into a free for all! If you want to go back and forth all day start a thread in the Open forum and name it Sesame Street! STOP RUINING EVERY THREAD WITH BS NONSENSE!!!!!!


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets

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