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Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)

Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)
*Note: Pictures were sent in by someone saying they spotted Shania and Frederic

th_shania-cairo050209-1.jpg th_shania-cairo050209-2.jpg


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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Wow great pictures tommy,i guess that answers the question about them still dating.


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That is not Shania in the photo. If you enlarge the photo you can see it is not her. Make a copy and enlarge it.



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That looks like Shania to me. And that's obviously Fred. Thanks, Tommy.



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I have to agree with you up,when you enlarge the picture it does blur some,but it does look like Shania and it is without a doubt Fred.Plus if  the person who took the photos  sent them to Tommy saying their Shania they had the best look,that Fred he is one lucky guy.I wonder if Mutt is still with Ann-Maria or they split up,that would be something huh,she has affair with Mutt and her husband ends up with Shania,thats karma

-- Edited by kelc317 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 07:23:37 PM

-- Edited by kelc317 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 07:27:13 PM


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RE: Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)

I can't tell whether it's Shania or not. But the hair looks like Fred so I put 2 and 2 together and say Shania likes horses, the Mid East and has been seen with Fred. She seems to be in a risk taking mode post Mutt. Maybe she sees life as being too short and has abandoned the safe life Mutt gave her cloistered away in Switzerland and NZ. Let's hope this translates into taking musical risks. I can only hope that she's safe in that part of the world given the recent wave of violence.



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RE: Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)

kelc317 wrote:

I have to agree with you up,when you enlarge the picture it does blur some,but it does look like Shania and it is without a doubt Fred.Plus if  the person who took the photos  sent them to Tommy saying their Shania they had the best look,that Fred he is one lucky guy.I wonder if Mutt is still with Ann-Maria or they split up,that would be something huh,she has affair with Mutt and her husband ends up with Shania,thats karma

-- Edited by kelc317 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 07:23:37 PM

-- Edited by kelc317 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 07:27:13 PM

The person didn't directly send the pics to me. They were sent to a fan on the Forums. Of course the mods deleted them over there.



Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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Did they delete them just because its Shania in her private?it looks like they see the person taking the picture and are even enjoying it big smiles on their faces



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It's not hard to believe that Shania and Fred are traveling the world together again. They've been seen together in New York, Key West, Paris, and now Egypt. And probably many other places all over the globe as well. She looks like she's having a great time with him.



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She does look like she is having a great time.I have to say i always wanted to go to Egypt ever since i was a kid to see the pyramids and the Spinx.They do hate Americans over in that part of the world,have to watch your back.


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How dare she!



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STF1 wrote:

How dare she!

There goes Shania ,spending all her fans money,LOL


-- Edited by kelc317 on Saturday 23rd of May 2009 11:32:10 PM


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And is she smiling when there is poverty in the world?!



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grape grower wrote:

That is not Shania in the photo. If you enlarge the photo you can see it is not her. Make a copy and enlarge it.

It sort of looks like Shania but when you blow it up it blurs.  The woman is wearing signature Shania Knee knockers as they are called.  But Fred's hair looks really short from when we saw him in Paris.  Maybe he got it cut.  Maybe this is his sister.  Did the source say for sure that it was Shania.  Why not get a closer picture if it was them.  I mean you better believe I would if I ran into her on vacation somewhere.  Does Fred not work anymore?  It looks like Fred but maybe not Shania. Her facial features don't look like her.  Maybe Fred had to settle for a look alike.  Maybe they have both moved on.  So many questions and as always no trustable answers.
Warmset regards as always,


-- Edited by Tonto on Sunday 24th of May 2009 12:26:43 AM



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This is one of my favorite Egyptian pictures of Shania.

Warmest regards as always,



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kelc317 wrote:

Did they delete them just because its Shania in her private?it looks like they see the person taking the picture and are even enjoying it big smiles on their faces

Yes, they delete any kind of "paparazzi" pictures.



Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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The picture does make it difficult to tell but I think that it is the two of them. They look like they are having fun. Good for them....after last year I think they both deserve to get on with life and enjoy it......whether they are a couple of just friends who continued on with the friendship that they had before their spouses made such a mess of the two families.



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More pics are bound to surface of them in Egypt, this is where the video for The Woman In Me was shot. It looks like things are serious between her and Frederic seeing as they are still travelling all over the place together. They've been dating for six months now, possibly longer. It wouldn't at all surprise me if the next news we'll get, won't be about any new music, but their engagement. Lord knows, what status the album is at right now if there is even one, so far all the signs point the other way. On a more positive note, I'm happy to see Shania smiling again.

-- Edited by twain2country on Sunday 24th of May 2009 10:01:01 AM



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STF1 wrote:

And is she smiling when there is poverty in the world?!

And she is so devesated and heartbroken lol!!!
How could she even think about music when she is busy with her new lover around the world.
And where is Eja? with Mutt again?
It seems all of your theories are proven wrong by Shania's actions.
Shania already hooked  up with Frederick less than 6 months after she was to be so devesated about her marriage breakup.
You can't have it both ways and say Shania is so heart broken and devestated and can't even think about music and then on the other hand she has for many,many months been travelling the world with her new lover having a great time.
I am glad if she is happy but I would think making music would make her happy if she was truly passionate about it.How can someone go almost a decade without music.
But I do love it when some of you were denying that Shania and Frederick were more than friends and now some of you are changing your tune and saying it is great that they are together. Even Angie came on here denying that they were envolved when the story first break last december.
I guess some fans couldn't believed she moved on so quickly after she said to her fans how heart broken she was and made some feel sorry for her.
I guess I tell it how I see it.
I don't care about her love life and neither should anyone. The fans have been waiting almost  a decade for new music from someone who is not upfront with them.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:22:12 AM



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Sam wrote:

The picture does make it difficult to tell but I think that it is the two of them. They look like they are having fun. Good for them....after last year I think they both deserve to get on with life and enjoy it......whether they are a couple of just friends who continued on with the friendship that they had before their spouses made such a mess of the two families.

It amazes me that first of all some still think they are not a couple and now think that Mutt is to blame for everything.
How do we know that Shania and Frederick didn't have an affair long ago when the familes were together on hollidays?
We have no clue about their personal life but yet you make Mutt out to be so horrible and Shania to be so perfect.
Actually personally I find it sickening and weird to have Shania  hook up with the husband of Ann Marrie who was rumored to hook up with  Mutt. I don't really care about her personal life but when she flaunted it to the pubic at JFK last december and made it news.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:30:44 AM



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


STF1 wrote:

And is she smiling when there is poverty in the world?!

And she is so devesated and heartbroken lol!!!
How could she even think about music when she is busy with her new lover around the world.
And where is Eja? with Mutt again?
It seems all of your theories are proven wrong by Shania's actions.
Shania already hooked  up with Frederick less than 6 months after she was to be so devesated about her marriage breakup.
You can't have it both ways and say Shania is so heart broken and devestated and can't even think about music and then on the other hand she has for many,many months been travelling the world with her new lover having a great time.
I am glad if she is happy but I would think making music would make her happy if she was truly passionate about it.How can someone go almost a decade without music.
But I do love it when some of you were denying that Shania and Frederick were more than friends and now some of you are changing your tune and saying it is great that they are together. Even Angie came on here denying that they were envolved when the story first break last december.
I guess some fans couldn't believed she moved on so quickly after she said to her fans how heart broken she was and made some feel sorry for her.
I guess I tell it how I see it.
I don't care about her love life and neither should anyone. The fans have been waiting almost  a decade for new music from someone who is not upfront with them.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:22:12 AM


See kevy you just make a fool out of yourself,let me explain it to you ITS BEEN A YEAR she is moving on.Is it that hard for you to comprehend  that she was heartbroken a year ago when this all started and she is moving on.This is why i can tell you have never been in a relationship in your life, you just can't understand the stages of a break-up.




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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


Sam wrote:

The picture does make it difficult to tell but I think that it is the two of them. They look like they are having fun. Good for them....after last year I think they both deserve to get on with life and enjoy it......whether they are a couple of just friends who continued on with the friendship that they had before their spouses made such a mess of the two families.

It amazes me that first of all some still think they are not a couple and now think that Mutt is to blame for everything.
How do we know that Shania and Frederick didn't have an affair long ago when the familes were together on hollidays?
We have no clue about their personal life but yet you make Mutt out to be so horrible and Shania to be so perfect.
Actually personally I find it sickening and weird to have Shania  hook up with the husband of Ann Marrie who was rumored to hook up with  Mutt. I don't really care about her personal life but when she flaunted it to the pubic at JFK last december and made it news.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:30:44 AM


For a person that doesn't care about her personal life you seen to criticize her all the time about her personal life.Now Shaina was the one having the affair,just like all your posts 0 facts to back up anything you say.



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You have such a serious problem that you pm's me again and harrassed me again.
A 45 yearold man who who folows me around like a puppy is a pretty sad person.
And you lie and twist everything I say. I never said Shania had an affair first, I said we know nothing about ther personal life and as far as we know Shania could of had an affair first.
We don't know. But one thing we do know is you are so obsessed with what I say and you keep harrassing me on pm.
Get away from me and get a life and don't PM me again.
Tommy tell this person to never PM me again and stop harrassing me.


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Kevy don't ruin another thread with your vicious attacks on a woman who is living her life like any of us are. There is nothing wrong with a person trying to find happiness in this world.



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kelc317 wrote:

EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


STF1 wrote:

And is she smiling when there is poverty in the world?!

And she is so devesated and heartbroken lol!!!
How could she even think about music when she is busy with her new lover around the world.
And where is Eja? with Mutt again?
It seems all of your theories are proven wrong by Shania's actions.
Shania already hooked  up with Frederick less than 6 months after she was to be so devesated about her marriage breakup.
You can't have it both ways and say Shania is so heart broken and devestated and can't even think about music and then on the other hand she has for many,many months been travelling the world with her new lover having a great time.
I am glad if she is happy but I would think making music would make her happy if she was truly passionate about it.How can someone go almost a decade without music.
But I do love it when some of you were denying that Shania and Frederick were more than friends and now some of you are changing your tune and saying it is great that they are together. Even Angie came on here denying that they were envolved when the story first break last december.
I guess some fans couldn't believed she moved on so quickly after she said to her fans how heart broken she was and made some feel sorry for her.
I guess I tell it how I see it.
I don't care about her love life and neither should anyone. The fans have been waiting almost  a decade for new music from someone who is not upfront with them.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:22:12 AM


See kevy you just make a fool out of yourself,let me explain it to you ITS BEEN A YEAR she is moving on.Is it that hard for you to comprehend  that she was heartbroken a year ago when this all started and she is moving on.This is why i can tell you have never been in a relationship in your life, you just can't understand the stages of a break-up.


 No, it is  you who doesn't understand anything. She was seen with him in Early December on a romatic tour just 6 months after the announced split and God knows how long before that they were dating.
Someobody who is devesated and heartbroken doesn't move on to a lover that quick.
It tell it as I see it. And something else you don't understand and can't comprehend. I said I don't care about her personal life unless she makes it pubic and makes it our news. And she went public in a big way with her new lover in New York,Paris and Florida in early December. So she made it everybodies business. she knew exactly what she was doing when she trotted him out at JFK airport where all the papps are waiting and then pretending not to be with him.
There are many ways she could of kept her love life private.



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Sam wrote:

Kevy don't ruin another thread with your vicious attacks on a woman who is living her life like any of us are. There is nothing wrong with a person trying to find happiness in this world.

 vicious attack? lol!!!
I never said anything that wasn't true.
I didn't attack anyone. Bottom line is Shania had a new boyfriend less than 6 months after her announced split. She was with him in Early Decembe and god knows how long before that.
I just care about the music not her love life but she trotted this guy out for the world to see in Dec.



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The truth is I just say what I believe to be true.
You people can believe what you want.
I won't post in this thread anymore unless the usual suspects come back and start this up again.
So I will leave this thread. but if someone starts this up again then I will respond.
I only care about the music so I am sick of talking or news about her love life.
But fans have had no music news in ages so this grasp on to little meaningless news like this.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

You have such a serious problem that you pm's me again and harrassed me again.
A 45 yearold man who who folows me around like a puppy is a pretty sad person.
And you lie and twist everything I say. I never said Shania had an affair first, I said we know nothing about ther personal life and as far as we know Shania could of had an affair first.
We don't know. But one thing we do know is you are so obsessed with what I say and you keep harrassing me on pm.
Get away from me and get a life and don't PM me again.
Tommy tell this person to never PM me again and stop harrassing me.

Kevy you just love to make a fool out of yourself huh.I post on one board ,this one and have been doing so for a year but im following you around oh ok.What is the age that you are allowed to use the net?I think its sad that a 14 year old like you has nothing better to do then post on the net.You constantly cry about being slandered and bashed but have no problem slandering shania about maybe she had a affair.You sound like a fool when you say "i don't care about Shania's life only music"then do nothing but criticize Shania for her private life.


-- Edited by kelc317 on Sunday 24th of May 2009 01:13:23 PM


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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:

Sam wrote:

Kevy don't ruin another thread with your vicious attacks on a woman who is living her life like any of us are. There is nothing wrong with a person trying to find happiness in this world.

 vicious attack? lol!!!
I never said anything that wasn't true.
I didn't attack anyone. Bottom line is Shania had a new boyfriend less than 6 months after her announced split. She was with him in Early Decembe and god knows how long before that.
I just care about the music not her love life but she trotted this guy out for the world to see in Dec.

 Okay so maybe he is her boyfriend??  SO WHAT!!  Why is this any of your business?  This is not a reason for you to go off on a rant in that judgemental tone you use about her life.  If you truly do not care about her love life then STOP talking about it!!  


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So just because Eja isnt in the photos she is a bad mother again? Maybe he is with his father, maybe he is out of the shot. Kevy grow up, you should be happy Shania is getting on with her life and has a smile on her face.



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Lol!!! This is so funny how I say to not continue this and I will leave this thread but yet the 3 same usual suspects are so obsessed with me that they can't control themselves.
Who said she is bad mother because Eja isn't with her, you just love to twist what I say? lol!!!!!
And oh yea Eja is not in the shot, he is right there with her though, some people would believe anything. Just like Eja was with her on her romatic tour in December lol!!!!
You are so obsessed with my opinion and defending ever last little Shania move that you can't see straight or realize the obvious.
You seem to miss the whole point of this. I am glad Shania has a new lover and is having fun but don't play the victim with your fans. I have said many times and unless you can't read then you have seen me say this many times. Shania has every right to do what she wants with her life and sit around and laze around for 20 years if she wants to.
But don't play this poor victim and pretend you love music and don't lead fans on about music and then run and hide.
Tell the truth to your fans and be upfront and that is all what every fan wants.
There seems to be 4 or 5 of you so obsessed with defending anything negative said about Shania like she is your goddess and never be questioned.
I should say grow up to all of you. You are the ones who keep this going and keep responding to my opinion.
If what I say bothers you that much then let it go and don't respond. You and I don't have a clue about her behind the doors personal life so don't pretend you do. We are all speculating and guessing.
So give it a rest and drop this unless you want to continue this again.
I said I would leave this thread but you and a couple others have no self control and can't help responding to me and twisting every word I say into lies.
So once again drop this or continue this, it is your choice.

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 03:04:27 PM


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I think your choice not to continue in this thread is a good one. I completely agree with this decision you have made. Wow...look at that we agree on something!



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It just goes to show you how pathetic kevy is.His first two posts in this thread are quotes from STF1 and Sam, attacks them along with Shania when he gets a response he then blames everyone else for starting trouble in this thread.Just like the swiss gala thread, attacks members calling us lunatic's and trouble makers than say's he doesn't want any fights in the thread or those members should be banned.There was no trouble in this thread till you showed up Kevy.It isn't are choice kevy that you started trouble in this thread ,it was yours.

-- Edited by kelc317 on Sunday 24th of May 2009 03:55:20 PM


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This is seriously laughable. Isnt it you who says if we dont like what you post then dont reply? So take your own advice and if you dont like what we say then dont reply yourself!



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lol!!! it never fails. STF1 and kelc are so obsessed what I say and can't let it go and continue to ruin the thread.
What is really pathetic is a 45 yearold man like Kelc even takes his childish behavior to pm's.
Now that is what I call really pathetic.
He can't let it go and then starts pm ing me.
Maybe I should show everyone what a 45 yearold child like Kelc pm's me again.
Most normal people keep their disagreements  in the site and don't start  harrassing others on pm.
When you people start to be able to handle other peoples opinions then maybe you will get better.

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 04:52:44 PM

-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 05:29:28 PM



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I'm tired of this ongoing crap between 2 people above! You guys ruin every thread and are pissing me off!!! STOP NOW! If this continues Im banning both of you.


Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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cool photos - glam life!

Thanks for posting these photos of Shania and Fred in Egypt - very romantic - and it is clearly them! I hope we see more photos of Shania having fun - it has been a hard year for her. And Mutt - if you're 'trolling' here - just look what you're missing, you old fool!


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RE: Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)

Personally I haven't a vested interest in Shania's love life. I just hope that she is making new music just like she did when she jet setted with Mutt when writing TWIM. I think this wife swap is disturbing on both ends and sets a bad example with Eja. Boys tend to be harder on their mothers than girls. This kind of reminds me of the 'friendship' between Garth and Trisha before both left their spouses and began hooking up and shacking up until they got married a few years later. This is just my opinion. I get more fired up about she's releasing new music or not as opposed to the troll that she has for a boyfriend. Maybe Freddy's a nice person so I'll cut him slack for not being attractive.


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RE: Shania and Frederic Thiébaud in Cairo, Egypt (5/2/09)

this does not look like shania at all, personally if it is her she has changed her appearance and lost weight, I think the divorce did a lot too her, wonder why no music news she just keeps traveling.



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EveryBodyLovesKevy wrote:


STF1 wrote:

And is she smiling when there is poverty in the world?!

And she is so devesated and heartbroken lol!!!
How could she even think about music when she is busy with her new lover around the world.
And where is Eja? with Mutt again?
It seems all of your theories are proven wrong by Shania's actions.
Shania already hooked  up with Frederick less than 6 months after she was to be so devesated about her marriage breakup.
You can't have it both ways and say Shania is so heart broken and devestated and can't even think about music and then on the other hand she has for many,many months been travelling the world with her new lover having a great time.
I am glad if she is happy but I would think making music would make her happy if she was truly passionate about it.How can someone go almost a decade without music.
But I do love it when some of you were denying that Shania and Frederick were more than friends and now some of you are changing your tune and saying it is great that they are together. Even Angie came on here denying that they were envolved when the story first break last december.
I guess some fans couldn't believed she moved on so quickly after she said to her fans how heart broken she was and made some feel sorry for her.
I guess I tell it how I see it.
I don't care about her love life and neither should anyone. The fans have been waiting almost  a decade for new music from someone who is not upfront with them.


-- Edited by EveryBodyLovesKevy on Sunday 24th of May 2009 11:22:12 AM


Kevy you really don't know much about life.Shania was heartbroken in May what do you expect her to do sit around the house and cry for the next few years?What she is doing now is getting on with her life.People date after filing for divorce that's part of the process for getting over a relationship.And yes Kevy people do take lovers in six months and even less time than that.




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Some people end up taking their divorce lawyers as lovers. Happens a lot more than you think.
Warmest regards as always,



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Shania checks out the pyramids


Hey everyone.  Came home from my step-daughter's high school graduation festivities to these great shots of what is reportedly Shania and her beau in Egypt.  How beautiful and romantic.  Here's what the email that was attached had to say.

Here are a couple candid shots of Shania Twain and boyfriend Frederic Thiébaud as they were on another global romantic vacation, this time in Cairo, Egypt.  The shots were supposedly taken on May 2nd, by a fan who also happened to be vacationing in Egypt at the time.

It's a little hard to tell that this is actually Shania, as they were taken from some distance.  But the photos have been making the rounds on various Shania fansites over the weekend, and the fans seem to think it's her.  She's been seen all over the world with this guy before (New York, Key West, Paris, etc), so I'm pretty sure these are legit.



Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite

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As there is doubt over whether it is Shania or not I dont think its fair for some ppl to continue the accusations anyway. These are not even close ups. And Kevy yes I see you called us "clowns" on another site for having a different opinion to yours. I really think it is time you stopped this personal abuse of us.



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Well the insider is now reporting this story,nothing new but here's the link if anyone wants to see it


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Is there a recording studio in Egypt?

Shouldn't she be in one?

Chris Farley

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What's nice I hope, is that she is happy. We all wish that for her.

There is still something strange though about hooking up with leftovers from a mutually destroyed set of marriages.

She could have almost any one. Why him? It's none of my business. Just as long as she's happy.


Chris Farley


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Having Frederic as a romantic interest in her life now can only mean a distraction from her music, but it's not right to call her a bad mother. Shania has sacraficed a lot in her career so that she can be a good family person and spend quality time with her son. With all the travelling her and Fred have been doing though and the time spent at each other's houses, it makes me wonder how on earth does she find the time to record an album?

-- Edited by twain2country on Tuesday 26th of May 2009 06:10:55 PM


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Maybe she needed to take a "time-out" from making music after the end of her marriage. After working with Mutt exclusively for so many years it would be challanging to switch gears and work with someone else. I don't doubt she can do it but maybe some time to deal with what all took place was necessary for her to mentally move forward into her new career path.



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Maybe in between these trips she has been recording and if what we hear is true the songs are very emotional and hard on her so she needs breaks in between recording them if the songs are truly about the sudden breakup of her marriage. Or maybe the album is already done and just needs some final touches but she needed a break from it all. Whatever the case it will be worth the wait although I am sure it will be a scary time for her if she is working with a new producer. It will be interesting to see as I am also sure she will have some anxieties about how the new stuff will go over. She should know by know though that us true fans will never let her down and we will always be there for her. It's not about what the industry or the critics think anyway it should be about us and what we like and we love her already so anything she does is a shoe in to be a huge sucess. Just my thoughts.
Warmest regards as always,



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Just want to add that she was being inspired by a difficult, unhappy tragedy for her but now maybe with Fredric the inspiration has turned around and she is being inspired by love and happiness or friendship and happiness whatever the situation. She does look happy and happiness is a good source of inspiration also. To be inspired though the feelings whatever they are have to be strong and very deep whether happy or sad. To take yourself to those places emotionally is very hard if you are a writer who works off of inspiration alone. Don't just sit down and say think I will write 3 songs today, I'm happy so they will be happy songs. Not that easy for most. Maybe some can do it but most can't. Shania doesn't seem to be one of those who can. Seems to run on emoitons but is great at hiding them and using words to distract from real meanings and feelings so as to imply that is not how she really feels but really does. The fun thumb your nose at guys songs really deal with serious issuse that I believe she has experienced and believe she is addressing them and letting people know in her own way that she is not happy about it but doesn't want to seem as though she is unhappy or complaining about it when she really is. Great diversions. Just my thoughts.
Warmest regards as always,

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