I was wondering if anyone had seen a group of photos from the "Shania" perfume photoshoot in Todos Santos, Mexico by photographer Mikael Jansson in May 0f 2005. We've all seen the photos used in the ad campaign with the Pepe blouse and the Calypso skirt, but I'm looking the pictures taken at the same time in a khaki, lace-up shirt and a another group in a red shirt. I included some video captures to show what I'm talking about.
That's probably true and ordinarily I would accept yours as the final words on this topic. But in this case I beg to differ because you see that first capture appears nowhere in the "The Making of the New Fragrance Shania by Stetson" video; I got it from a second video I found on some guy's Myspace page. So my thinking is if this second video of some forty odd seconds ended up on the net maybe the pictures did too.
Does she seriously not have a shirt/bra on underneath the first criss-crossed "shirt" in the first pic?? Talk about raunchy. Perhaps that is why no pics are out there.......