I was checking out the recent Toronto airport pics and Shania's hair is a lot shorter now than in the golfing pics. So maybe this was sometime last year?
Tommy's #1 SHANIA TWAIN SuperSite shaniasupersite.com Our eyes are closed, but we're not asleep, We're wide awake beneath the sheets
she looks SO cute btw Joe,i just bought a pair of pants quite similar to the one shania is wearing,same color same length,ha ha we're going golfing too eh???
-- Edited by Country gal at 09:07, 2008-07-20
Forgive any misspellings,English's not my mother tongue.
Golfing is a new aspect of Shania that most did not know. But when you study this picture carefully you'll see the intense emotional trama she is enduring from the turmoil she has been through over the past few months. The poor woman needs comforting, and needs a warm hug.
Kidding!!!!! She is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I missed the part about these being old photos.
I can't imagine she hits it along way off the tee, she doesn't have the frame for that. There again it's all about timing and she may have a good swing. I imagine her putting is sound though.
I myself guessed it would be Deerhurst. Dang it, I was golfing at Deerhurst the first weekend of September 2006, that means I just missed being on the greens with Shania by less than two months, lol!!!
Funny I didn't know of these pics until yesterday. She looks great and we know there are photos of her and Marie golfing somewhere in 2006 as well. I knew Shania learned to golf when she worked at Deerhurst, but I had no idea she golfs as much as it seems. If she was suppose to be on a celebrity golf event in Jamaica 2005, she must be pretty good.
Very cute look, love the hat and ponytail, she would be the favorite on the womens tour.