I think Shania looks a lot like her older sister Jill, and Carrie looks a lot like her mother. It would be cool to see a pic of all three of them together today. Or even Shania with all of her siblings.
I love Shania more then anything she is my number 1 idol Im a proud Twainaic.
Shania made my dream come true in Vegas on June and will be seeing her again in July
I think Carry-Ann changed a lot over the years. I don't think i would've recognized her in this pic if nobody told me she was in it, haha!
me too Eilleen333 :) Both carrie and Shania look gorgeous on the stage in Vegas Shania always says Carrie is the blond version of her with the bigger breasts . Thats what she said when I saw her haha which i s true I can see carrie beeing the blonder version of Shania.
I love Shania more then anything she is my number 1 idol Im a proud Twainaic.
Shania made my dream come true in Vegas on June and will be seeing her again in July