Thanks for posting! She sounds SO amazing here. So great to hear her voice sound so strong. So sad that it does not sound like this anymore. And anyone who makes excuses can just listen to these recordings when they say that the reason why she sounds so bad in Vegas was because of a bs. She was recorded on a 1996 recorder in these videos and she sounds AMAZING. So miss her strong voice :(
Another thing that is sad to me is that she seems so happy in these videos. So happy talking about her marriage to Mutt. About true love. Being married for life. She lost that pure happiness after the affair and divorce. I have not seen an interview with her since the divorce that shows this pure happiness. I guess it is normal. But she was never the same.
I kind have to disagree with that Shania is very Happy you can see it in her eyes and I am so happy that shes happy shes got everything an amazing man a wondeful successful gig in Vegas. and her voice is beyond outstanding She is flawless . then again that just me
Carrie is so cute at the end Btw thanks for the vid.
I love Shania more then anything she is my number 1 idol Im a proud Twainaic.
Shania made my dream come true in Vegas on June and will be seeing her again in July
And she has seemed sad since the divorce. It took a lot out of her. She really loves Mutt. He was her soulmate. I doubt she feels the same way about Fred. It does not feel the same.
Um ya she is Flawless and perfect not going to argue my opinion is that she seems a lot happier and is over the moon with fred and they are golden she was glowing when I saw her in vegas so ya she seems very happy and lucky Not another word about it.
I love Shania more then anything she is my number 1 idol Im a proud Twainaic.
Shania made my dream come true in Vegas on June and will be seeing her again in July
She is not flawless and she would be the first to say that. But she seems very, very happy. She is supported and accompanied to her events like never before. Fred is there for her, unlike Mutt who didn't want to be seen. I have seen and met both Shania and Fred. The love and devotion they show each other is very evident. As she said, a very devastating event in her life led her to find her soulmate in Fred. And those were her words. So I disagree with some of the things you said. What you presume to know, are not necessarily the facts.