To all of you younger ones on this site, and you know who you are.
Despite all the fun stuff, the goofy stuff and the weird and angry stuff that you sometimes read here......NOTHING is more important in your early years than getting an education. PLEASE, as a dad of a just turned 13 year old girl, this site will be here. Get your science projects and all the rest done.
Shania, as wonderful as she is and a shining example to all of you, would probably tell you to concentrate on school..
Hey Chris.... You are 100 percent right on your school work remark... But personally I have never seen a teen that is so overburden with school work that they have no personal life.. They all have time for boy friends/girl friends/TV/long phone calls and so on... Having said that, how they choose to spend that time is TOTALLY up to them... If you choose to accept the "I do not have time for Tommys ",that is your call... But I don't buy it... If one chooses to move away from our club...FINE... But be honest and admit it....Bob